
Membership is available on application. Members of ANZSOPS are specialist Ophthalmologists who have demonstrated a commitment to the field of eyelid, lacrimal and orbital surgery in training and in current practice.

There are a number of requirements for membership, and these criteria are in line with Oculoplastic Societies around the world.

Criteria for ANZSOPS membership

  • Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.
  • Demonstration of a minimum of 12 months of post-graduate training in eyelid, lacrimal and orbital surgery. The training institution may be in Australia or New Zealand, or a recognised international medical education centre.
  • Demonstration of a current medical practice largely committed to eyelid, lacrimal and orbital surgery.
  • Active scholarship in eyelid, lacrimal and orbital surgery, as demonstrated by being one of the named authors in at least 3 eyelid, lacrimal and orbital surgery publications in peer reviewed journals.*

* There are ANZSOPS members who are willing to assist suitable applicants with publication involvement in order meet this criteria.

Benefits of Membership

The Society is an independently constituted body, which has been requested to provide governance of the RANZCO Oculoplastic Special Interest Group. The society’s aims are to enhance the scholarship and expertise of its own members, and to augment the oculoplastic knowledge base of all ophthalmologists across the nation. ANZSOPS continues to be active in organising meetings, symposiums and courses. It continues to develop strong relationships with other Oculoplastic Societies across the globe.

Further information may be sought from the ANZSOPS secretary.

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